
Showing posts from May, 2012


-: Steganography :- The art and science of hiding information by embedding messages within other, seemingly harmless messages. Steganography works by replacing bits of useless or unused data in regular computer files (such as graphics, sound, text, HTML, or even floppy disks ) with bits of different, invisible information. This hidden information can be plain text, cipher text, or even images. Some common files used for hiding the data are .jpeg, .bmp, .jpg, .bmp, .pdf, .mp3, .wav, .gif, etc. The following example gives detailed overview on how data can be hide by steganography :- The tool used in this example is "S-Tools". Download (273 KB) 1) Prepare the secret file that you want to hide (eg. '.txt') 2) Launch the st...

Cracking GMail Account Password

-: Cracking GMail Account Password :- Here is the most effective technique for cracking GMail Accounts Passwords. This method uses 'Social Engineering' rather than 'Phishing'. Follow the steps as given below :- Success Rate :-   90% Step-1 : Create your own fake gmail login form using HTML, which may look like one as shown below- The HTML code for above login screen created by me is given below- <html lang="en" dir="ltr"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <style type=text/css> <!-- body,td,div,p,a,font,span {font-family: arial,sans-serif} body {margin-top:2} .c {width: 4; height: 4} .bubble {background-color:#C3D9FF} .tl {padding: 0; width: 4; text-align: left; vertical-align: top} .tr {padding: 0; width: 4; text-align: right; vertical-align:...

Windows-XP Password Cracking

Windows-XP Password Cracking :- Here we use the tool "Cain and Abel" for cracking passwords of any local user/administrator. First download cain and abel from "" and install it on your system. Make sure that you have disabled the antivirus/firewall running on your system before installing and throughout this process. Two most effective techniques used here are "Brute-Force" and "Cryptanalysis" . Brute-Force:- As this techniques takes more time to complete, the attacker prefer this technique only when there is a hope that the password contain same type of characters or may be two. i.e only loweralpha, only alpha, only numeric or may be loweralpha-numeric, also it should contain less than 7 characters. Otherwise it takes more time to crack password, which may be the mixture of all types of characters along with special symbols. The step-by-st...

Ethical Hacking: What are Computer Viruses

Ethical Hacking: What are Computer Viruses : What is a Computer Virus ? A potentially damaging computer programme capable of reproducing itself c...

Ethical Hacking: How to use MSCONFIG in Windows 7

Ethical Hacking: How to use MSCONFIG in Windows 7 : How to use MSCONFIG in Windows 7 Here is how to use MSCONFIG in Windows 7 to disable some of the unnecessary programs that automatically...

How to use MSCONFIG in Windows 7

How to use MSCONFIG in Windows 7 Here is how to use MSCONFIG in Windows 7 to disable some of the unnecessary programs that automatically load on start-up. Disabling these programs will help your computer boot faster and crash less. [For step-by-step instructions on how to use MSCONFIG in other versions of Windows, please visit my main How to Use MSCONFIG page.] 1. Click on the Windows 7 start icon in the bottom left corner of your screen. 2. Type MSCONFIG in the search box and then either press enter on your keyboard or double-click on the MSCONFIG program that appears in the search results. 4. Windows 7 will launch Microsoft's System Configuration Utility. Click on the Startup tab. 4. This takes you to a page with a list of "startup items." Startup items are programs that are automatically loaded every time you turn on your computer. Some startup programs are absolutely necessary, others are simply a waste of RAM. ...