Top Essential Google Search shortcuts

#1: Get Local Weather

Type: “weather [city name or zip/postal code]”                                                                    
 Example: “weather 500054″ or “weather pune”


#2: Check Flight Status

Google automagically pulls flight data from All you have to do is enter the flight number.                                                                                                                                                          
Type: [flight name and/or number]                                                                                     
Example: “bc254″ or “newyork21″


#3: Convert Distances

Type: “[value] [first distance unit] to [second distance unit]”                                            
 Example: “100 kilometers to miles”


#4: Find a Phone Number

Find a Person:

Type: “[person’s name], [city or zip/postal code]”                                                           
Example: “john smith, Goa”


Find a Business/store:

 Type: “[business name or type], [city or zip/postal code]”                                        
 Example: “book store, Mumbai”


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