
Showing posts from July, 2012

Hide EXE File into JPEG

This is a good trick to hide your exe files into a jpg file..! How about sending a trojan or a keylogger into your victim using this trick..?? 1) Firstly, create a new folder and make sure that the options 'show hidden files and folders' is checked and ‘hide extensions for known file types’ is unchecked. Basically what you need is to see hidden files and see the extension of all your files on your pc. 2) Paste a copy of your server on the new created folder. let's say it's called 'server.exe' (that's why you need the extension of files showing, cause you need to see it to change it) 3) Now you’re going to rename this 'server.exe' to whatever you want, let’s say for example 'picture.jpeg' 4) Windows is going to warn you ...

Hacking Autorun.inf virus attack|Is autorun.inf virus?

This article will give you complete details about the autorun.inf file.This is the instructions that saved in the infected(call virus programs) autorun.inf file: [Autorun] Open=RECYCLER\QqFvXcB.exe Explore=RECYCLER\QqFvXcB.exe AutoPlay=RECYCLER\QqFvXcB.exe shell\Open\Command=RECYCLER\QqFvXcB.exe shell\Open\Default=1 shell\Explore\command=RECYCLER\QqFvXcB.exe shell\Autoplay\Command=RECYCLER\QqFvXcB.exe is autorun.inf virus file?  no.  Then why antivirus block the autorun.inf files?  Go ahead to know the full details about auto run file. Introduction to Autorun.inf File: Auto run is file that triggers other programs,documents ,other files to be opened when the cd or pen drives are inserted.  Simpy triggers. When cd or pen drives are inserted, windows will search for the autorun.inf file and follow the instructions of autorun.inf file(instructions have written inside the autorun.inf file). How to create Autorun file? Open notepad type th...

Facebook Hack – View photo of non-friends

How can I see Facebook pictures from non friends? Go to the Profile page of the person whose  photos  you want to  see . You can click on their name on your News Feed, find them in the  friends  list of a  friend  of yours, or use the Search field at the top of your screen to search their name. Click or tap  Photos .