
कोरोना वायरस का असर क्या भारतीय बाज़ार पर पड़ेगा?

अर्थव्यवस्था तबाह हो सकती है? कोरोना वायरस का असर क्या भारतीय बाज़ार पर पड़ेगा? इस सवाल का छोटा सा जवाब है, हाँ. संयुक्त राष्ट्र की कॉन्फ्रेंस ऑन ट्रेड एंड डेवेलपमेंट (UNCTAD) ने ख़बर दी है कि कोरोना वायरस से प्रभावित दुनिया की 15 सबसे बड़ी अर्थव्यवस्थाओं में से एक भारत भी है. चीन में उत्पादन में आई कमी का असर भारत से व्यापार पर भी पड़ा है और इससे भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था को क़रीब 34.8 करोड़ डॉलर तक का नुक़सान उठाना पड़ सकता है. यूरोप के आर्थिक सहयोग और विकास संगठन यानी ओईसीडी ने भी 2020-21 में भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था के विकास की गति का पूर्वानुमान 1.1 प्रतिशत घटा दिया है. ओईसीडी ने पहले अनुमान लगाया था कि भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था की विकास दर 6.2 प्रतिशत रहेगी लेकिन अब उसने इसे कम करके 5.1 प्रतिशत कर दिया है. भारत सरकार, देश की जनता को ये भरोसा दिला रही है कि उन्हें घबराने की कोई ज़रूरत नहीं. हालांकि, विपक्षी दलों ने कोरोना वायरस के भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था पर प्रभाव के बारे में सरकार से सवाल पूछने शुरू कर दिए हैं. तेलुगू देशम पार्टी (TDP) के सांसद जयादेव गल्ला ने इस बारे में अप...


       It is Necessary to note that countries that have so far done a relatively good job of containing the covid19 pandemic have refrained from imposing a complete, nation-wide, curfew-like lockdown.  These include Singapore, Taiwan, Germany, and Turkey. Even China, where it all started, placed only the  Hubei province  under complete lockdown, not the whole country. But Prime Minister  Narendra Modi  has put 1.3 billion people under a curfew-like lockdown. Since the authorities are using the word ‘curfew’ in the context of issuing  passes , it is fair to call it a national curfew. A national curfew for 21 days will definitely go a long way in reducing the transmission of the deadly virus.  But what happens after 21 days? The virus won’t disappear after that. Not until we get a vaccine, and it will take at least a few months to vaccinate every Indian even after a vaccine has been developed.  A few months is a ver...

Apple Phone password crack - Elcomsoft

 Elcomsoft Phone Password Break Elcomsoft Phone Password Breaker is a legal gadget that’s used by many government organizations itself. The original intention of Elcomsoft was to extricate scientific information. But it’s the ability to remotely mimic any targeted gadget turned into one of the most popular hacking apps for iOS. It’s also for this reason that this hacking tool leans more towards a gadget than a programming tool. The iPhone hacking program helps you break passwords, decrypt iOS backups with GPU acceleration, decrypt iCloud Keychain and messages with media files and documents from iCloud. You can even use this iPhone hacking tool to acquire data from Microsoft accounts and download iCloud backups, hack app data and sync data with or without an Apple ID password.

Hack Apple Iphone using ispy Now

iSpy - Best Hacking Application For iOS With version 2.0 soon to be released, iSpy is one of the must-have hacking tools for hackers learning reverse engineering and dynamic analysis of iOS applications. The iOS hacking app has an easy to use web GUI and can be used in various programming functions such as Cycript integration, class dumps, automatic jailbreak-detection bypasses, automatic SSL certificate pinning bypasses, re-implemented objc_msgSend for logging and tracing function calls in real-time.

How to download paid games from Apple store - ios

xSellize Game Hack -  Anyone who’s a gaming nerd knows the struggle of breaking the bank to play paid games. The xSellize Game Hack solves that problem by letting hackers download paid games for free. With thousands of games like Game Boy, Nintendo, SEGA and much more, this game hacking app for iOS is essentially the nemesis of every application for paid games that’s ever seen some popularity. And if that wasn’t enough, the game hacking app for iOS also offers functions such as anti-anti-method swizzling, hack app data, instance tracking, easy to use soft breakpoints and automatic detection of vulnerable function calls. Download this best hacking application for  iOS

iphone hacking applications & Techniques - ios

iRET - Best Hacking Application For iOS iOS Reverse Engineering Toolkit, popularly known as iRET, is one of the best hacking tools for iOS for ethical hackers learning reverse engineering. The only catch is that you must be connected to a wireless network. The ethical hacking application can be used to analyze keychain contents, including passwords, keys, certificates, etc. for any sensitive information. Speaking in developer language, iRET offers binary analysis using o tool, keychain analysis using keychain_dumper, working, Binary decryption using dump decrypted and database reading using SQLite. Besides these functions, the hacking tool also lets you create, edit and install the tweaks.

DroidBox - Best Android Mobile Hacking Application

DroidBox - Best Hacking Application For Android DroidBox can be used as both a device hacking app and a game hacking app for Android users. Ethical hackers can use this hacking tool for Android to generate hashes for the analyzed device, intercept incoming/outgoing network data on the infected device, read files and write operations and leak information via the network, file. The hacking tool also throws in added benefits such as permission to circumvention, launching cryptographic operations that are performed using Android API, listing broadcast receivers, sending SMS and making p hone calls.